Round table on the issue of providing social and engineering infrastructure (9)


The problem of providing social and engineering infrastructure often falls on the regional and federal authorities, as well as on the shoulders of the developer, which cannot but affect buyers from the point of view of pricing policy. This is a complex story, and here it is important to maintain a balance of interests, determine where to get money for infrastructure, as well as how and on what terms to attract investors.

Round table on the issue of providing social and engineering infrastructure (9)
We invite speakers and all interested parties to discuss issues at the round table together with the State University "Scientific Research Institute Gradplan Moscow":
- Further exploitation and use of social facilities, which, as a rule, the city does not want to take, and the developer has to operate them independently
- How to protect children's and preschool institutions within the framework of common use, emphasizing the importance of zoning the adjacent territory
- Does the improvement affect the value of real estate or are the funds spent on it not repayable?
- Is it possible to attract private money to the development of engineering and social work? To what extent is the city financially involved in the development of the territory, and to what extent is the investor?
- What is the quality of the urban environment? What is in the first place for home buyers: landscaping, the level of transport accessibility, shops, social infrastructure facilities, price?
The implemented cases of the development of urban areas of Moscow will be presented by Nikolay Kikava, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Gradplan of Moscow, Galina Mitz, Deputy Director for Production Work, and Eduard Martirosov, Head of the Engineering Infrastructure Department of the State Enterprise "Scientific Research Institute Gradplan Moscow"".

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